Pacemaker and defibrillators

Frequent questions and problems in patients with pacemaker and/or defibrillator

Patient needing surgery

In all cases bipolar coagulation if possible.

Accessibility to defibrillator. Distance patch-device > 15 cm.

If emergency surgery, put a magnet on the device and control the next day.

If elective surgery device programmation before and after intervention.

If possible electromagnetic interferences

  • Program the device in the asynchrone mode during the intervention if the patient is the pacemaker dependent.

  • If not, do the intervention and control the device after the intervention

For patients with a defibrillator and possible electromagnetic interferences

  • Program the device on OFF during the intervention

For patients with a defibrillator and no possible electromagnetic interferences

  • No programmation, control the device after the intervention