Treatment of acute heart failure without shock

CPAP/VNI as PCO2 (contra-indicated if: shock, vomiting, agitation, neurological disorders).

  • Furosemide (Lasix) 20-40 mg bolus i.v. to be repeated every 15 min. (target diuresis 0.5ml/kg/h).
  • Nitroglycérine (Isoket).
    • If BP ≥ 180 mmHg: 2 mg bolus then 1-8 mg / h continuous infusion. Increase of 1mg / h toues 3-5 min. Maximum dose: 10 mg / h.  - If 110 ≤ BP ≤ 180 mmHg: 1-8 mg / hr by continuous infusion. Increase of 1 mg / h every 3-5 min. Maximum dose: 10 mg / h.
  • Morphine 2 mg i.v. to repeat if necessary.